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The Chewjitsu Podcast

Sep 2, 2024

Chewy and Eugene discuss dealing with “Seminar Snipers” and also some ideas on how to slow down a roll.

Chewy discusses dealing with seminar participants that go really hard during the rolling rounds, how to slow down a roll at a seminar, setting an intention at a seminar, the biggest breakthrough in Chewy's BJJ, declining a roll with a training partner, how to roll with less intensity, and how physical trauma can impact how you roll in BJJ.

Thanks to the podcast sponsors:

Charlotte's Web CBD.

Head over to and use the promo code Chewjitsu30 to get 30% off of your total purchase.

Epic Roll BJJ.

Check out and use the promo code Chewjitsu20 to get 20% off of your total purchase.

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